Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 1 2009

Well, its a good thing Lucas went to see Daniel in jail. At least he'll have some doubts about Kate. Not sure what the Miriam woman is planning but I'm sure it's trouble for Rafe. I'm still not into the Teen story yet. They all seem boring, not like when Belle and Shawn and Philip and Mimi were all teens. but maybe they'll get better yet. I for sure don't like the Kinzy girl at all. Well, not much to say since not much went on. Perhaps more will happen Monday.


lisa August 3, 2009 at 11:09 AM  

Hey i agree again, not much going on with some of these stories! I'm wondering what happened to rafe's bride. Can wait to see where that gose. I like Daniel and that story right now, I hope Kat gets cought. Make's me wonder how the story will go then! I miss Bell and all of them to, would be nice if they could have them all come back for abit. Well i'll be watching later to see what's going on.

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