Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23 2009

Wow, not liking Stephanie too much right now! First of all why does she have to stick her nose into Nathan and Melanie's date? Then to just assume that Melanie is after Philip. Wow, I was angry while watching this episode. I'm tired of the Mia and Will and Chad story already too. Get on to new things for goodness sake! Things are not looking good for Daniel. Can't believe Kate is getting away with this so far. She has not even tried to call Lucas I'm sure. He would remember the recording of Daniel she had and he may remember that she had those weird 'vitamins' too. I'm glad Melanie slaps Stephanie on the next show! Give it to her!!


lisa July 27, 2009 at 3:00 PM  

Hey, i would have 2 agree with everyhting u said there. Kat makes me so mad. but its good tv right. I hope Daniel doesn't go donw 4 this. I like Melanie these days too.

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