Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 28 2009

Well, got to give Daniel credit for not being as dumb as the Salem police. It was refreshing to see that he put the Kate facts together so quick. It's enough to put the spotlight on her a bit too. If they actually start to look at Lucas, Kate might have to come clean or he could go down for this. We'll see. Stephanie needs to make up her mind already. Do you want Philip or not? Looks like some of the secrets on the show will soon come out now. Hope so. Time for some new stories.


lisa July 29, 2009 at 10:54 AM  

i enjoyed yesterdays days too. I was glad that Deniel put things togather to. I hope Kat gose down for this, can wait to see what will happen with that. I'm so tired of Stephanie and Philp story, i agree make up your mind. I'm looking forward to watch todays days to see whats going on with Sami and her guy. :)

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